Amy Bosler Holdman

Amy Bosler Holdman

Amy was in Mexico celebrating her birthday when she noticed a mole on her forearm had changed in color and size. She had used tanning beds throughout high school and college, and a few times before the trip to get a base tan.

She went to the doctor to have her mole checked, and over the course of a few months received three separate melanoma diagnoses. “Nothing like 3 melanoma diagnoses for your 40th birthday!”, Amy says. Since late 2014, Amy has had over 70 different spots biopsied.

She was blessed to have caught all her Melanoma at Stage 1 and they were able to get clear margins with 3 wide excision surgeries. She continues to monitor her skin with checks every 3 months.

As a single mom of two young girls, Amy feels the importance of educating them on the risks associated with tanning beds. Amy worked closely with the American Cancer Society testifying and telling her story in order to pass new Legislation to restrict tanning bed use by anyone under the age of 18 in the state of Kansas. In 2016 this bill passed and it is now a law!